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Judge Orders FUSD Trustee Slatic and Bullard Cheerleader to Stay Away From Each Other

Updated: Oct 28, 2019

Columns from a Courthouse Building

A judge this week ordered a Fresno Unified Trustee and a Bullard cheerleader to stay 20 yards away from each other until an October hearing when a judge will determine whether to grant a restraining order.

The teen, who The Bee is not naming since she’s a minor, filed a petition last month for a restraining order against Trustee Terry Slatic. The court hearing is the latest incident involving Slatic and a Bullard High School cheerleader.

The dispute sparked earlier this summer when some of her teammates posted blackface videos online and then boiled over when Slatic showed up at a cheer practice to defend the girls who posted the video because, he said, the girls were victims of bullying.

Slatic’s actions triggered the school board to call a special meeting where cheerleaders and their parents criticized his behavior.

Slactic initially intended to represent himself and filed several documents in his defense. But during Monday’s hearing Slatic changed his mind and asked the judge to postpone the case until he could hire a lawyer.

Aida Macedo, an experienced attorney, is representing the teenager for free.


Slatic said he’s glad that the judge ordered him and the teen to stay 20 yards away from each other since they’ve never been formally introduced and he’s not sure exactly who she is.

“I think it’s outstanding that the young lady has to stay 20 yards away from me because I don’t know what she looks like,” he said. “…I couldn’t pick her out in a line up.”

Although Macedo said she and her client were happy for some temporary relief, Macedo was disappointed the girl and her family will have to return to court.

“Obviously my client and her family wanted it to be done today,” Macedo said. “Nobody wants to be in court, especially in a matter like this. As you can imagine, it’s very intimidating for a minor to testify, especially in front of an adult like that.”

Both sides want the matter resolved at the next hearing on Oct. 7.

But, they want different outcomes.

“My client and her family want a permanent restraining order or something more long term to help ease the fear and anxiety and potential for further harassment or interaction with him (Slatic),” Macedo said.

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